What can you do with the 'Environmental Yardstick for Pesticides'?

The Pesticide Yardstick provides an overview of the environmental pressures generated by all crop protection agents permitted on the dutch market. It enables the user to compare these agents and chooses the least harmful crop protection strategy. 

If you want to know more about how the Pesticide Yardstick works, watch the animation below:


There are 3 Pesticides Yardsticks:

The Pesticide Yardstick for Pesticides for field crops

The Pesticide Yardstick for Pesticides for greenhouse cultivation

The Pesticide Yardstick for Pesticides for municipal authorities, companies and individual citizens


The Pesticide Yardstick is also available as web-app on smartphone or tablet! Add the Pesticide Yardstick website to bookmarks in your browser to always have the Pesticide Yardstick at hand. 

Additional features for subscribers

You can use the "Environmental Yardstick for Pesticides" for free to compare up to three crop protection agents. With a subscription, an unlimited number of crop protection agents can be compared. Subscribers can also download a summary of the comparison results and view updates in the Environmental Yardstick for Pesticides (new crop protection agents and changes in environmental impact points).

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